Giving Is The Best Communication

All posts tagged Giving Is The Best Communication

Arguably the most inspirational and moving video that you have ever seen, this tear-jerking, award-worthy 3-minute video aptly entitled ” Giving Is the Best Communication” encompasses the quintessence of mankind in our days and what humanity intrinsically should be all about. A true cinematic masterpiece featuring flashbacks dated 30 years earlier and a distinctively heart-warming, hopeful message, it is no wonder that it quickly went viral and almost all viewers grabbed their tissues while watching it. Relentlessly edifying that people always lay the foundations for their future, with all its connotations, this brilliant, must-see video delves deeper into the utter importance of random acts of kindness, while stressing this ontological argument – that giving is the best communication in our society.

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Has it ever crossed your mind that the situations and episodes in your life are intimately connected and in no way accidental? What could be more physically fulfilling and emotionally rewarding than to sow the seeds of kindness early on and bring about the sublime ecstasy of literally saving your life or the life of a loved one years later, when your world seems to be tumbling down? What really makes this video so special and one-of-a-kind is that it usefully suggests that these acts of kindness pay off when you have absolutely no option left and when you least expect it, deeply implying that it is undeniably in your power to help other people help you when you most need it.

Emphasizing that unconditionally giving is the best communication between the person who gives and the one who receives, as it focuses on the reversal of these roles at any time, this brilliant, utterly inspirational video highlights the plight of individuals who have with no financial means to cover medical expenses at critical moments in the lives of their loved ones. In the context of exploring this struggle, this state-of-the-art video beautifully illustrates that the light at the end of the tunnel lies within ourselves and our past unconditional, kind deeds.

The touching story, spanning 30 years, about the physical and spiritual, almost psychic bond between a then-poor little boy caught stealing treatment for his sick mother and the kind eatery owner who pays for the much-needed medicines ( 3 packs of painkillers ) and a veggie soup , quintessentially suggests that unconditional giving is the best communication. Thirty years later, the tearful daughter of this kind man, now hospitalized feels heartbroken and absolutely hopeless as she simply cannot afford to cover the hefty medical bills. But, as they say, what goes around comes back around, and she is unexpectedly surprised with the news from the doctor. Little did she know that the poor boy, now a doctor, that her father helped 30 years ago, now returned the favor and paid for the medical expenses in full.

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(Video Credited To TrueMove H )

This reversal of roles in the human register evoked by this heart-melting video is more than gloriously enlightening – it goes right to the status of religion, utterly indispensable to the mankind. Get inspired by this superb video emphasizing that unconditionally giving is the best communication – be kind to people around you without expecting anything in return and reap the benefits of your kindness when you most need them and least expect them. Just be sure to grab your tissues!

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