
All posts for the month January, 2016

A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. This is the message of this inspiring story. It’s a commercial for Care & Share, a charity. In the video, a grandmother and her grandchildren are at the super market pushing a cart through the aisles. The grandmother reaches up and puts a discount food item that appears to be grain or flour and puts it into the cart.

Meanwhile, the little girl is in the bakery section. She is looking at all the cakes in their little containers, all round and lit up in the display. A young gentleman reaches in and pulls out the cake for the little girl because she is not tall enough to reach it. She smiles and goes away to find her grandmother with the cake.

The little boy, little girl and grandmother go to the checkout line and the cashier is bagging up the food they have selected. There is a small plastic container on the belt. Inside it is an elegant small cake. The peach cake comes up on the scanner and costs quite a bit more than the other food. The cashier tells the grandmother the total of their bill. The grandmother checks the bills that she is holding. The little boy counts out change to pay for the groceries, hoping they will have enough to make it. He shakes his head at his grandmother to let her know that they will not be able to pay the full total of the bill.


The grandmother looks at the cashier lady. “I’m sorry,” she says apologetically, “Can I return the cake please?”

“Sure, yes,” the cashier says to her. The yellow cake is taken out of the plastic bag it has already been placed in. The little girl sees this and turns to her grandmother. “I want the cake, please, I won’t ask for anything else,” the girl says.

“Next time, please, when we can afford it,” the grandmother says to the girl.

“Last time you said that,” the girl says. She goes and takes both of the plastic bags full of discount groceries to carry home. The brother runs up to the girl and takes the bags from her to hold. He tells her that next time they will get her what she wants. “Let’s buy something else, okay?” He says to his sister.

The young man from the cake display is getting his groceries rung up behind them. He tells the cashier that he would like to buy the same cake that has been set aside. He catches up to the family and extends the cake, saying that it is for them.

The grandmother says she cannot accept it. The man says “Please.” She tells him that there isn’t any reason for him to buy the cake for them. But the man smiles and explains what happened many years ago when he was seven. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple.

He recalls how he was a little boy standing with his mother in a bakery shop. His mother wanted to buy him a cake for his birthday, but they didn’t have enough money. Then a man came up. “I had never met him before,” the young man recalled. The man paid for the cake and knelt down to the boy, who turned around. He held the cake out to him.

“Here, have the cake,” he told the boy. “Happy birthday.” The boy took the cake and the man ruffled the boy’s hair as he stood up. The man turned to walk away, and then he turned around in the doorway and looked at the boy. The boy looked at him gratefully. The man smiled and walked away. So you see, it is true. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. That little boy was the same young man who bought them the cake today.

“I have never forgotten,” he says. The grandmother thanks him, and he thanks her back. She gets his number to compensate him for the cake. He asks the child if they will do the same thing for someone else in the future.

The kids come back and their grandfather is there in a wheelchair. They give it to him. He thanks them and smiles, and then confides in his wife that she should not have spent the money as they cannot afford it. She tells him that actually, a nice man paid for it. He gave her a note. It is the note that the man who bought him the cake gave him all those years ago.

The man opens it and it says, “A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple.” The older man smiles. The kids and his wife come in with the cake, which is lit up with candles. They sing happy birthday to him. The good things we do continue to be remembered and passed on. Care about someone and share today and create an endless ripple of your own.


Enjoy the video.

(Video Credited to

Arguably the most inspirational and moving video that you have ever seen, this tear-jerking, award-worthy 3-minute video aptly entitled ” Giving Is the Best Communication” encompasses the quintessence of mankind in our days and what humanity intrinsically should be all about. A true cinematic masterpiece featuring flashbacks dated 30 years earlier and a distinctively heart-warming, hopeful message, it is no wonder that it quickly went viral and almost all viewers grabbed their tissues while watching it. Relentlessly edifying that people always lay the foundations for their future, with all its connotations, this brilliant, must-see video delves deeper into the utter importance of random acts of kindness, while stressing this ontological argument – that giving is the best communication in our society.

>>>> Click here for free Personal Development Ebook 101 Negativity Killer.

Has it ever crossed your mind that the situations and episodes in your life are intimately connected and in no way accidental? What could be more physically fulfilling and emotionally rewarding than to sow the seeds of kindness early on and bring about the sublime ecstasy of literally saving your life or the life of a loved one years later, when your world seems to be tumbling down? What really makes this video so special and one-of-a-kind is that it usefully suggests that these acts of kindness pay off when you have absolutely no option left and when you least expect it, deeply implying that it is undeniably in your power to help other people help you when you most need it.

Emphasizing that unconditionally giving is the best communication between the person who gives and the one who receives, as it focuses on the reversal of these roles at any time, this brilliant, utterly inspirational video highlights the plight of individuals who have with no financial means to cover medical expenses at critical moments in the lives of their loved ones. In the context of exploring this struggle, this state-of-the-art video beautifully illustrates that the light at the end of the tunnel lies within ourselves and our past unconditional, kind deeds.

The touching story, spanning 30 years, about the physical and spiritual, almost psychic bond between a then-poor little boy caught stealing treatment for his sick mother and the kind eatery owner who pays for the much-needed medicines ( 3 packs of painkillers ) and a veggie soup , quintessentially suggests that unconditional giving is the best communication. Thirty years later, the tearful daughter of this kind man, now hospitalized feels heartbroken and absolutely hopeless as she simply cannot afford to cover the hefty medical bills. But, as they say, what goes around comes back around, and she is unexpectedly surprised with the news from the doctor. Little did she know that the poor boy, now a doctor, that her father helped 30 years ago, now returned the favor and paid for the medical expenses in full.

Enjoy This Video


(Video Credited To TrueMove H )

This reversal of roles in the human register evoked by this heart-melting video is more than gloriously enlightening – it goes right to the status of religion, utterly indispensable to the mankind. Get inspired by this superb video emphasizing that unconditionally giving is the best communication – be kind to people around you without expecting anything in return and reap the benefits of your kindness when you most need them and least expect them. Just be sure to grab your tissues!

>>>> Click here for free Personal Development Ebook 101 Negativity Killer.


Taking the Right Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

Each person has their own set of beliefs. Beliefs are so ingrained in each person to the extent that while some may make sense, others question where they came from and why they have them. Some beliefs are emotional, other are psychological, and some are held so highly in a person’s mental make-up that they are considered to be absolute no matter what.

People are not born with beliefs.  Rather, they acquire them all throughout their lives. Many beliefs are obtained in childhood and the adolescent period, through the different interactions people have with others – be it being scolded by adults or praised by peers. Thus, many beliefs that a person has are about relationships, as they are usually the ones with the most emotional impact both positive and negative.

Some researchers have theorized that some beliefs hold a person back from pursuing his dreams or desires.  They often serve no purpose other than to weigh people down with excess baggage. These are called limiting beliefs, and while a person may realize or become aware of them eventually, very few actually take steps to eliminate limiting beliefs. This is because some may consider these beliefs too ingrained to remove or all too familiar. Limiting beliefs may be considered a person’s comfort blanket or zone.  Stepping out of them or changing them completely could prove to be a challenge.

Some examples of limiting beliefs are:

  • “I don’t deserve to love or be loved”
  • “I’m not good enough”
  • “I’m not smart enough”
  • “Who would ever want to buy what I have to sell?”
  • I’m too old to do…
  • “I’m too young to do…”

Many guides have popped up all over the internet to help people change or remove their limiting beliefs. The guides make it seem easy, but a person needs to remember that a belief can be so ingrained that it could be hard to think of a counter-belief or discard it completely. Here are some steps to eliminate limiting beliefs:


Identify the Limiting Beliefs

The first step to change is accepting that a person must change. On a piece of paper, a person who wants toeliminate his limiting beliefs can write each one (or dispense the paper completely and do some mental reflection). This step is crucial because a person has to be brutally honest to himself about what he wants to change and what exactly his limiting beliefs are.

A good way of identifying limiting beliefs is to start with the phrase “I am afraid that I…” then completing it. A person’s fears, no matter how irrational, are usually the stem of many limiting beliefs. Once a person has identified his inner demons and is ready to accept that he must break free of them, he can move on to the next step.

Taking the Right Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs 1

Challenge the Beliefs

Once the limiting beliefs have been identified or written down, the next thing a person must do is challenge them. This done by giving a counter-argument or counter-instance against the belief. For instance, a person’s belief could be “I am a terrible writer.” The counter-instance to this belief could be “But I was able to write a published article back then.” For each belief, a person must think of an instance where the belief was not completely true. It could be derived from a person’s own experiences or through the experiences of his friends, coworkers, or family members.

Taking the Right Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

When Had These Beliefs Held a Person Back?

This question is an important question to ask while taking the steps to eliminate limiting beliefs. This is because this question requires a person to look deep into one-self and remember all those times he wanted to do something or wanted something but was held back by his beliefs. Some supplementary questions that could accompany this one could be:

While asking himself these questions, a person can also dig deep into his past experiences to find the root of these limiting beliefs. Which specific memories helped propagate these beliefs and which were the most emotionally charged ones?

Taking the Right Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs 2

Write New Beliefs and Repeat as Many Times as Necessary

Once a person has identified his limiting beliefs, written counter-instances, and found the roots of these beliefs, he should write out new beliefs that will empower him. For instance, his limiting belief could have been “I am a terrible writer.” After much reflection and introspection, his new belief could be “my writing isn’t the best, but with a lot of practice, I will become better.” Repeat this step as many times as necessary.

Taking the Right Steps to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs 3

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