How set up your home in a way that it would enhance your well-being ? The trick is knowing the often counter-intuitive habits that research shows lead to then organizing your home to propel you gently toward those behaviors. Here are some ways.
- One TV house. Take all TV out from each individual room. A good way for some family boning in the living room.
- Own a pet. Studies shown that pet owner are healthier and happier. They provide daily nonjudgmental companionship.
- Create a meditation corner. Establish a dimly lit, quite space where you can sit comfortably to do meditation
- Grow a small garden. Spend some time in the sun doing some garden work and plant some vegetables. End your day will some freshly picked vegetables.
- Create a memory area. Set up a small area in your house to routinely remind yourself of the people, accomplishments and events that you want to remember. (Eg. Photo of your family outing, trophy from a competition, your child old report cards and etc…)
- Optimize Your Bedroom for Sleep. Remove a distraction that keep you away from your sleep, game console, TV, Computer and bright lighting. Try to minimize the use of alarm clock too.
- Set a up a emergency supplies area. Keep torchlight and first aid kit in a small corner of your house. You might want to include emergency food supplies and some bottle of mineral water.